Thursday, January 16, 2014

‘You girls should have your own plane.’- Why you don’t fly a bachelorette party out with everyone else.

Last week I went on a 4 day bachelorette party to New Orleans with 9 other women.  We took the 7am flight out, a few short layovers (thanks, Mother Nature), and some Delta ‘Sky Breezes’ later, and we were feet down in the Big Easy.  However, getting there was certainly no easy feat. 

I was the first to arrive at the airport at 5:45am, only to find our original United flight was canceled.  After finding the correct party to talk to, I went down to the service station and pleaded to my new (and amazing) friend Adam at the desk to get the rest of my party on a similar flight schedule with limited distractions.  He was able to get us on a 7am flight to Atlanta with a 5 hour layover, but because my career expertise is in travel, I was able to cut that layover down and get us a 50 minute layover in Hotlanta by putting us on ‘standby’; which let everyone on board.  As we were coming down from the adrenaline high of being up since 4am and racing around not one, but two airports, we were a little chatty when we finally boarded and sat down on our flight.  Most of us fell asleep during the duration of the trip, and if we were awake we kept conversation to a dull whisper; but when the plane took off and landed we were a roar of conversation between 9 girls in 3 rows. 

Despite the Bride and I being seated next to a stranger going to a work conference, who had no problem engaging us in conversation or buying our libations for the duration of the trip [Thanks for the Southern Hospitality, Joe!], the other patrons of Delta were not as kind.  The minute we landed and unbuckled our seat belts, some cranky woman started listing off all her opinions about every topic of conversation we held.  On any other occasion her opinions would have been welcomed with further chatter, but considering she was extremely aggressive and talking to people about us and not to us, we were not as apt to hear her.  The conversation ended with her saying ‘well when you've been up since 5am..’ to which I rebuked that I had been up since 4am, and maybe she should have a drink and smile. 

This brings me to my main point, while we were a fairly dull bachelorette party, we were probably too energetic to be sitting with everyone else.  Bachelor/ette parties and other big celebrations should have their own method of travel.  Why should high energy people subject regular people who just want to nap to their shenanigans?  Even hungover on the way home from the House of the Rising Sun, we did not make any friends on the plane, and all we were doing was giggling and complaining that we had a 2 hour ride on a shuttle plane….and the fact that my banana had a hole in it.

The point being, you can have as much fun as you want, but if other people aren't having fun with you, they hate you.  Sorry, people of Delta and United, for the disruption, but now you have a good story for your own blog.  YOU’RE WELCOME!

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