Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Reformation of a Party Girl

As stated in previous blogs, I live in a party town.  You might as well call it Never land, because everyone has Peter Pan Syndrome[1].  Despite everyone being older and having full time jobs, the partying never stops; it doesn't matter what day of the week it is, there is always a reason to go out and drink.

 I’m not putting this lifestyle down; I spent 18-22 doing the same thing, but now, in my mid-20s, I am kind of over it.  I no longer feel the need to go out on ‘two for Tuesday’ or ‘wacky Wednesday’ or ‘Thirsty Thursday’.  It takes effort to leave my house once I get home from work on Friday, my Saturdays are always my active days, and the idea of traveling to work the Monday morning after a ‘Sunday funday’ sends shivers down my spine.  Needless to say, I am an old lady.  But I think I earned my senior lifestyle now; I spent the better portion of 5 years going out every night of the week, drinking whatever was on the menu for the evening, dancing on any sturdy table; and then I graduated college and went into the real world and doing that now is just sad.

I like to have my feet firmly planted on the ground at all times, although I do showcase some pretty sweet dance moves.  I also have acquired a taste for the finer alcohols as opposed to drinking whatever is cheap and in front of me.  However, hanging out with my peers, those that live in my town and those that do not, I am seeing not everyone is as embracing of growing up as I am.

The mid-twenty-something ‘party girl’ is not a good look.  To be the occasional hot mess is one thing, but to make that your life motto? That’s a whole other story.  At this point in time you should know what you like to drink, and not be drinking things for the sole purpose of getting drunk.  I once read an article that said ‘girls in their early 20s get drunk; girls in their mid-20s get drinks.’ I wholeheartedly agree with this.  I do not go out to get drunk, I go out to have a few drinks with friends and have a good time.  Sure, I’m still taking pictures and dancing and giggling up a storm, but I am never sloppy.  I know a few girls that go out on a typical Friday night and send the ‘what happened last night’ text Saturday morning.  Girl, pull your life together, the stage of your life where that behavior is acceptable is long behind you.  I’m not judging, to each his own, but quit telling me about how much you want a good relationship and want to have kids when you’re sitting in fetal position on the bathroom floor throwing up the contents of your Thursday night.

Everyone needs to make a choice in their life; either embrace the party scene and your party girl tendencies (if that’s your thing) or appreciate the good times that you had and close that chapter of your life.  There is not one that is better than the other; it’s a personal preference of how you see your future playing out.  But don’t put down party girls when it is obvious to everyone [but you] that you are the ring leader. The quite 'house-wife' life isn't for everyone and neither is the 'party girl' lifestyle, but we all have roles to play.

So, pick a side, and to whichever you choose, God’s speed.

[1] Peter Pan Syndrome- Is when someone does not want to grow up and they act like a child and forgo responsibilities.  This is not cute after your early 20s.

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