Thursday, July 24, 2014

When Being a Tourist Doesn’t Just Mean Vacationing…

I was recently watching an old episode of Parks & Recreations where Ron told Leslie that her boyfriend was a ‘…tourist. He vacations in people’s lives, takes pictures, puts them in his scrapbook and moves on. All he’s interested in are stories. Basically, Leslie, he’s selfish.” Upon watching that, I knew it made sense in regards to the episode, but after much deliberation, I decided I did not know anyone like that in real life.

Let me tell you, not to blow up anyone’s spot or anything, but I am noticing now how wrong I really was.  I'm sure we all can think of someone who is the tourist in our lives; maybe that person is just the nosy part time friend who only surfaces to prod into the worst moods of your life and make themselves feel better about their own, or perhaps it’s just that ‘friend’ who only comes around when they want to complain or have no one better to hang out with. If you think hard enough, there will always be at least one person like that for everyone, even if they were only around for a short period of time.

For me, really thinking about it, I have a few people that came to mind for the above examples, however one person very clearly stands out above the rest.  This person is the quintessential tourist; I will go months without hearing a peep and then BOOM, a text, a facebook message, a social media ‘like’, he always finds a way to make a comeback.  Then it is a few days or weeks of interaction until he disappears and I remember why we never talk to begin with.

He is a tourist who only vacations in someone’s life, not for the story, but for the entertainment.  It is never in the good times I hear from him, it’s not even to check up on me and ask how I’m doing.  No, instead it is just interaction so he is entertained until the next big thing comes around. This person can never be alone or bored for long, he is constantly reaching out to someone from his past until someone new appears.

This is irritating for so many levels, but if you’re my friend, you don’t just come in and out of my life at your convenience.  I understand people get busy and don't speak as much as they would like, thus is life.  I have a best friend with whom it is not an uncommon occurrence if we go weeks without speaking.  You do not need to talk every day to be a friend, and I understand that.  However, you can tell when you don’t speak to someone because the days escape you, or because they brought nothing positive into your life and your relationship disintegrated.  I rather have quality friends over quantity friends, but not everyone thinks that way.  If they don’t, that’s fine, but I do not need to keep opening the door for you whenever you feel compelled to traipse into my life. Certainly more so if you make a mess every time you’re back in it.

The actual problem with these tourists, however, is not that they come in your life when they’re bored, turn it upside down, and then leave unscathed, but how they come back into your life.  I was told that I am too hard on people and everyone deserves a second chance.  So, against my better judgment, I always try to give people more chances.  But, let’s all just agree here, people don’t change!  I repeat, people do not change.  The only way they change is because they become better at lying and hiding their true colors, but eventually, it all comes out. 

These tourists will sing you sweet lullabies and promise you the world if only you donate an ounce of your time. That sounds like a pretty sweet deal for you, right, a renewed friendship with minimal effort on your part? Score!  No.  Anything too good to be true, is.  People may want to change, but essentially if they are just a selfish person at their core, that will never go away.  That isn’t something they can just change, it is in the foundation of who they are.  Everyone has their selfish moments at times, it happens to all of us, but to live your entire life only caring about and looking out for yourself?  Well, if that works for you, that’s all well and good, but I know for a fact that does not fly in my life.  I have too many people I care about and I am too giving of a person to be only looking out for myself all the time.  Maybe I should be more selfish, but that is a reflection for another time.

For that reason, I know why this person only vacations in my life.  It must be difficult to be around someone who is constantly thinking of other people and making sure they are happy before worrying about themselves.  That is not necessarily a great quality to have either, as too many people take advantage of it, but that is the kind of flower child I am . . . but I digress.  I am all for the rambling man, the rolling stone, the free spirit who cannot be tied down to anyone, these are some of my favorite people. However, I just cannot condone people who come into other people’s lives and use them as puppets for their own enjoyment.  Sure, maybe they do not notice that's what they're doing, but wouldn't that be the bigger issue?  To be so unaware of how you go through people and the fact that you find relationships of any kind expendable?

Let’s all have a little self-awareness.  You are responsible for the energy you bring into a room and the energy you bring into someone’s life.  Embrace it, be proud of it, and try to use it for the better; it is a powerful tool.  You alone have the power to [even if only momentarily] brighten or darken someone’s day, and as we all know, with great power comes great responsibility[1].  So please, be aware of what you put out into the universe, and save the tourism for actual vacationing. 

[1] Yes, Uncle Ben, I just threw a Spiderman reference into my blog.  #NerdHerd

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