Thursday, July 17, 2014

It's just a date...sort of.

Last year I was really into going to one of my local spot’s Trivia Tuesday nights; I went there on dates, with my friends, with my new boyfriend at the time.  It was a fun way to spend an evening and it facilitated my competitive nature when it comes to flaunting my vast knowledge of useless facts.  The dates I went there with were the usual oddballs, and when my friends and I went, we always made friends and seemed to have an adventure.  However, it was when I took my [then] boyfriend that things really got interesting.

You see, despite dating for a few months, there were still friends in each other’s lives that we had not met yet.  So when a group of his friends came traipsing into the bar for trivia, they were shocked to see their friend ‘on a date.’  I suppose it did not matter we were boyfriend and girlfriend, a date is still a date, but if you ask him, that wasn’t a date.  [Editor Note: maybe this is the reason we are both single? We never could see eye to eye.] Alas, when it was time to name our team, we had some pithy remark, and their name blew everyone’s out of the water.

Now, let me preface by saying naming your team is a competition because the most clever team names are awarded points.  Furthermore, because the trivia night venue is in my neighborhood, I was no stranger to the other players and patrons in the restaurant.  That being said, when the most clever team name was announced and it was ‘Hey everybody look at [insert ex’s name here] in the white hoodie he’s on a date,’ I had a good chuckle.  After the 15th time they said that team name and now the entire restaurant was looking at our uncomfortable last meal together, things started to get a little weird. 

I very seldom get embarrassed; I’m a pretty good sport about things that would mortify most people, and it really takes a lot to get me red and uncomfortable.  However, perhaps because we were on unsteady ground to begin with or perhaps because even the bartender was getting in on the joke by announcing, over the microphone, that my ex’s wife was on the phone looking for him.  No, he does not have a wife, and yes it was a funny joke, but boy did he turn 15 shades of red!  Now I'm not saying that night was the reason we broke up, it definitely wasn't, but it is a hilarious anecdote we now laugh at and went into my filing cabinet of 'bad date' stories.

After that lovely experience I took a break from trivia for a bit.  I did go back during the Rangers playoffs to watch the games and play a little bit, but of course my reputation preceded me every time I attended.  Luckily I was able to redeem myself with witty team names (like ‘insert witty name here’ in which every round I changed the name to add the word WITney Houston, WITney Spears, WITchard Prior.  It was much harder than you would think!)  But alas, even when I am tied down in a relationship (which I no longer am presently) my highly amusing and slightly horrifying dating stories never cease to exist.  So remember, daters, whenever life gets you down and you need a good laugh, just keep an eye out for my dating blog and you’re sure to have a giggle.

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