So I am currently listening to a handful of AMAZING cover songs [which are my guilty pleasures in life. don't worry, I will post a handful of the links below] and kind of taking a breather to think about life. I have done two loads of laundry today, cleaned my bathroom (bleached the heck out of it, to be exact!), trying to decide what lovely meal I can make for my boyfriend and myself with the chicken I defrosted, and thinking about my future.
You see, my future has been on my mind a lot lately.
Sure, I am not at an age where my impending future is immediate and needs to be heavily weighed on my mind, I mean, I have no baggage, no kids, no real 'responsibilities' nothing weighing me down to any one particular area. Not that there is anything wrong with any of those things, I certainly hope to have all that in the near future, but as of right now I do not have any of those things. So what is the big pressure to look at my future under a microscope, you ask? Well, Today I started a new job!
Now, I have been out of college for a year now, and immediately started a job in my industry upon my graduation. (Excluding extreme personal details from the Internet, we will just say that it was in an industry in which my college degree could be used for, and I quite enjoyed my job) However, I made the move to switch industries completely and therefore thrust my life [full throttle] into a new endeavor.
I am not a huge fan of change..I will accept it and adapt to it, as everyone does, and I can easily acclimate to any change and usually forget why I was so apprehensive in the first place. But I am not a huge fan of change because I get so caught up in the 'what ifs' and it makes me nervous. That being said, today was my first day. It was all preliminary of course, paperwork, office excursions, descriptions....all the usu (usual). Tomorrow starts my real day, i suppose, because it begins the first day of my two week training. As nervous as I am, I am SO excited, because this gives me a new chance at an endeavor to prove myself. I get to learn something new and ultimately be the best at it (as I do not settle for being anything less than amazing at any task I set myself to).
So, back to the main purpose to my post, I have a lot on my mind with this new job. I am so nervous and excited and happy, I just have my mind so set on the's like a clash of industries. Where I saw myself a few years ago in college and where I am heading towards now, are absolutely completely different areas. I can't help but wonder [and anticipate] what road all these endeavors will lead me down, what more shenanigans I will find myself in, what new rabbit hole's I will crawl down, and ultimately what person I will be left as after all is said and done.
...I guess all I can do is sit back and let the pendulum turn and time do it's thing, and anxiously anticipate every curve and new adventure life has in store for me.. :)
**What I am Listening To**
(i have NO rights to these songs. I am just a fan passing along some great unknown artists)