Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Living A Healthy Life..In Spite of Myself.

Ever since I can remember, I have been cracking my bones.  I have chronic muscle aches and that was a way I could temporarily relieve the pain and pressure.  Whatever I can get to make a ‘cracking’ noise, I did; neck, back, fingers, wrists, you name it, I stretched and moved until I felt release.  Apparently being an adult and constantly cracking your back is not an attractive quality, because it started raising some eyebrows and seriously peeved my mom out.  A new ailment I found, on top of the muscle aches, was that my shoulders (both of them) would constantly come out of their socket.  I figured this was just a torn rotator cuff issue, despite not really doing anything that would facilitate a torn rotator cuff.  But again, I am stubborn and if it wasn’t completely broken, I wasn’t going to fix it.  [No offense to the doctors out there, but I am not a fan.]

So when my mother and I were walking around a local festival and saw a chiropractor stand, I was more than reluctant when she dragged me over to it.  In my defense, I have been to several chiropractors as an adolescent/throughout my college career, they just never worked for me.  However, having the mildly open mind I do, I went up to the doctors and decided to quickly talk to them and get a feel for their practice.

I was introduced to Dr. Adamo and Dr. Rob of Live Holistic. Dr. Adamo was the first person I spoke to, as it is his practice, and he noted my hesitance to their help.  It’s not that I was reluctant because they were doctors as much as I was reluctant because I just did not believe it would work for me.  Again, I am a stubborn soul . . . we all have our flaws.  After talking with him for several moments I agreed to set up an appointment for the next day.

We went over my X-Rays and a ‘plan of action’ which basically said I need to come in twice a week for 8 weeks.  I don’t know about everyone else, but I do not have that kind of free time, so I was a little off put to say the least.  But I said I would give it a try, and I am a person of my word, so as per doctor’s orders I went twice that week.  I am on week 3 now and every time I have been adjusted (that’s a chiropractor term for let them move your spine around and crack it) it was by Dr. Rob. 

Let me take a quick break to say how extremely friendly the office is!  It might be a little intimidating to come into an office and have it be a big open room with people lying on the tables getting adjusted, I know I was taken off guard, but the staff ensures comfort.  From the moment you walk in you are greeted by everyone in the office, and even the other patients are nice and interested in helping you figure out a new machine or exercise or whatever else you got going on. 

Now back onto the treatment.  I am not the easiest person to adjust; I never relax, like when I sleep it takes me forever because I am so tense, I have a teeth clenching issue, I have a high stress job, so I am very seldom placid.  That being the case, I am quite the challenge for Dr. Rob when he needs me to relax to adjust me.  I know he takes it personally, but I swear it isn’t him; I just don’t relax/let my guard down for anybody.  Whoops! Even with my guard issue he manages to perform the adjustments he needs to, and that is no easy feat with me, I am sure. Anyway, after the first 3 visits there I noticed I was not adjusting myself at all.  I still had some muscle aches (I also did not stop my workout plan so that could be it) but I notice it is tolerable and I am having a much better range of motion in my shoulders as well.  Three weeks in and I am noticing a lot of difference to the point that I actually look forward to my visits. 

All it took were about 5 visits and I am already seeing a great improvement in my health.  I feel better; I have more range of motion, and all in all that just gives me a sunnier disposition.  For all you skeptics out there (myself totally being one of them) I say if you are only going to try one chiropractor before you give up and condemn holistic practices as being ineffective, I would say go see Dr. Rob and Dr. Adamo at Live Holistic.  They not only changed my outlook on holistic medicine (which I admittedly deemed as ‘juju medicine’) but they also changed my health and quality of life for the better; and for that, I am forever grateful!

Editor Note: I get absolutely nothing by writing this review, I am simply offering insight as to something that worked for me.  Also, I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong, and since the treatment is working with Live Holistic . . . I can admit I was wrong to call all chiropractors 'witch doctors'.  Sorry, guys! It wasn't too personal! J

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