Thursday, April 10, 2014

Round Peg, Square Hole.

Sometimes someone comes into your life and you think ‘This could be it.  This person is amazing!’ You click on every level, your thoughts/beliefs/hobbies/ dislikes, everything is the same.  You two seem to be on the same page in every sense of the word.  However, you notice after some time your relationship begins to disintegrate.  Now, this relationship does not need to be purely romantic, it can be friendship as well.  Something you once thought was so perfect and serendipitous is now crumbling around you with no real reason as to why.  Well, dear reader, let me let you in on a little secret; Life, in all of its glory, comes down to one driving force . . . Timing.

Timing is a cruel mistress.  You see, the universe can put you in front of everything you have ever wanted but if the timing is off, you best kiss that new prize of yours goodbye.  I am a firm believer of what’s meant for you will not pass you, but it is hard to believe in better things to come without succumbing to sounding naïve.  Letting go of things/people/relationships are difficult because you know what you are giving up but you do not yet know what you are getting, and the devil you know is better than the devil you do not know. 

Over the past year I have had several people I thought were key players step in and out of my life.  Hindsight and experience tell me that they were not.  Experience has also told me to go with my gut reaction and initial feeling when reading people.  While I am not saying to shut everyone new out of your life, but if your first take on someone is to not like them or not want them close, stick with that.  The more you force relationships, even if you think it’s giving them ‘the benefit of the doubt,’ the more you are going to drag out and prolong the inevitable.  Good things, of any kind but certainly good relationships, do not need to be forced.  They are good on their own, pure and effortless.  Sure, all relationships take work in one way or another, and nothing worth having ever comes easy; but if you’re finding that you’re forcing things or just going through the motions, then it’s time to reevaluate this new thing you found. 

Any time I have ever forced a relationship it has later came back to bite me.  Timing has a way of working out, one way or another.  While you think you may be losing this great amazing thing, in reality you are just being propelled into the life you are meant to have.  Don’t lose hope.  Don’t spend so much time wading through shallow, familiar waters.  People come into your life for all types of reasons, that does not mean they are meant to stay forever.  I am grateful for everyone I have met in my life, because they have helped get me to the amazing life I love now.   

But timing, timing never fails.  If you find someone suddenly out of your life, there is a reason.  Sure, maybe they will make a comeback down the line.  Maybe they are just a little lost at the moment and they will come to their senses and return better to your life, but they need to fight like hell to get there.  Trust the system, whatever is meant to happen will in fact happen.  At least that’s one of the pretty little lies I tell myself to get through the day. 

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