Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Soul Surfers

In Plato’s symposium, he states that
‘according to Greek mythology humans were originally created with 4 arms, 4 legs & a head with two faces.  Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.’ 

This is one notion of soul mates.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines soul mates as:
1 a person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament.
2: a person who strongly resembles another in attitudes or beliefs <ideological soul mates>

This notion is not as poetically beautiful and heartbreakingly romantic [i.e. star-crossed lovers] as Plato’s definition, but it does explain the word none the less.  My problem with the idea of soul mates is that it is just that, an idea.  To me, it poses more questions than it answers; and that probably speaks to my character of a skeptic.  Many people, myself included [hence my perplexity], believe that soul mates and love at first sight are interchangeable notions of love.

Here is where my confusion begins.  I personally believe the idea is that even though someone is your soul mate, you may not know it right when you look at them.  I mean, isn’t the whole idea of ‘love at first sight’ rather vapid and shallow seeming? You are falling for a person entirely based on their looks under the quasi guise of ‘the universe pulled us together.’  I doubt it.

I am all for the universe and a higher being putting me where I need to be, don’t get me wrong, but the fact that you can just look at a person and know in your heart of hearts that they were put on this earth as your counterpart? Well, I don’t know; that just seems unrealistic.  But again, I did warn you I was a skeptic.  It is a very sweet idea, nevertheless I just feel like if you do have a soul mate, you only know it after really getting to know them.  Call me old fashioned, but I do not meet someone and know in the first five minutes if I want to be around them forever.  I need to ease into things.  Nevertheless, if we have several dates and conversations and there are cosmic connections and we seem to be two peas in a pod, then okay! Soul mates it is!

Now here is the scary part.

In Plato’s story, it seems that every person only gets one soul mate, one counterpart; That is what makes their love special, right?  Well, who is to say that you and this alleged one perfect mate are on the same continent let alone same state? Wouldn’t that be the universe’s cruelest joke to have this perfect partner for you yet you will never have a chance to know them?  But I guess that is why there are non-believers out there. 

So, most of us settle.  We do not believe in soul mates and perfect relationships because we are realists.  Does that mean you give up on true love?

What if you find your soul mate and they are suddenly taken away from you? Or what if you find them and you grow apart or no longer fit down the road? Does this mean they were never the real soul mate for you, that your connection was possibly a fluke? This is why ‘soul mates’, ‘true love’ and ‘fairy tale romances’ make me nervous; there are so many ways they can be broken in the real world.  Such a comforting notion knowing that you are not alone in the world and there is someone out there who loves you more than anyone ever can, they just haven’t met you yet, scares me.  It brings about more fears than consolation, and quite frankly I am unsure I understand the entire concept. 

Granted, I am probably analyzing and divulging into it more deeply than the great Plato did himself; but what is the point of learning something if you cannot pick it apart and come to your own conclusion?

Where does one go to find their soul mate, because I am sure they are not lurking around the local watering hole.  Or maybe they are, and that is why they are special to the person who finds them there.  I hear all my friends talk about speed dating and internet dating and meeting people in bars and everyone has their fair share of interesting [horror] stories, as my blog certainly can attest, but no prince charming coming out of the rubble.  Is it possible that our soul mates have already jumped ship in looking for us and have settled onto the first love that didn’t end with them drinking poison[1]?

 All these questions spinning through my head around the subject makes me both exhausted and disheartened for ever finding my ‘other half.’  You see, as much as I do wish soul mates existed, never in the definitions (at least from dictionaries) does it say it needs to be on a romantic level.  I mean, if a soul mate is just someone who you love spending time with and has the same beliefs/ideologies/temperament as you do, well then my close friends are my soul mates.  With that conception, albeit sweet, I reaffirm myself that I am going to be single forever with 40 dogs; I could never be a cat lady.

So, my darling romantically hopeful readers, what are your thoughts? Where do you fall on the plight of the soul mate?  I need some optimism to give my dog-filled[2] future some hope.

[1] Not being morbid, goes along with the aforementioned ‘star-crossed lovers’ Romeo and Juliet theme.
[2] I love dogs, but having 40 dogs with people names, ‘want to see my son Bill? ::Great Dane::’,  is just a little sad.

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