Thursday, May 16, 2013

Social Sciences- Just keep Swimming.

Onward I go on my forever journey to find a suitable mate.  Just kidding, that sounds creepy, but that directly ties in to this blog, yet another installment on dating.

I just want to start by saying, I know I am no Queen of Sheba or anything, but I am a good catch.  I am dedicated, loyal, passionate, driven, smart, funny, I know my strengths; however, on the flip side, I know I have my flaws, which I can point out in a heartbeat [but I won’t. We’re not that intimate yet.]  There is absolutely nothing wrong with flaws, we all have them, that’s what makes us human, and they are beautiful.  But, what is wrong is not owning your flaws.  You can be stubborn or impatient or have a bad temper, those are flaws, but if you acknowledge it and either own up to it or try to maybe not do it as much, then it’s all gravy.  I know I am constantly noticing new flaws about myself and trying to change those behaviors, make them work for me and better myself.

That being said, being thrown back in to the world of dating has seriously shown me the kinds of people out there and let me tell you, IT IS SCARY!  Unfortunately, with the creation of internet dating, it is making it harder for people serious about relationships to meet.  It is just assumed at this point that almost everyone on internet dating sites are just trolling the interwebz[1] to do just that, be a thirsty[2] troll.  Serious relationships aren’t for everyone, that is fine, I don’t ever go in to something without getting to know the person first, but you cannot get involved with anyone unless you know yourself!  So, if this sounds like you, it is a flaw and you need to work on it before you try to work on someone else.  There is something that cannot be said enough, don’t be creepy!!  If you would not do something in real life, do not do it on the internet.  That also includes taking the previously said statement and turning it in to something inappropriate.  The internet is filled with creepy pickup lines and pictures of bodies or inappropriate areas; like listen, if you’re not going around pantless in public (naked cowboy aside) then don’t do it on the internet, that won’t help you find that ‘good girl’ you’re supposedly looking for!  Also, there should be an unwritten rule, if you are on a dating website and you see someone you know in real life leave them alone!  We are all on the site, it is embarrassing all around; unless you are looking for some romantic involvement, do not add them to your favorites or message them or say something in person.  Yes, it is awkward you found them, but you are on there too!

If internet trolling is not your thing, thankfully, there are real life dates! Real life dating is still equally as difficult in deciphering intention and also has a lot of technology play.  For instance, I am not a phone person, the only people I talk to on the phone are my immediate family and that is it, anyone else can text me.  The problem with texting is a lot (like sarcasm) gets lost in translation and things you meant to sound flirty and funny come off sounding arrogant and disinterested.  Like life, this is a delicate balance!  Don’t sweat it, if you make a mistake, try to explain yourself and keep going; if the person can’t get over it, well then ‘keep it movin’[3] plenty more fish in the sea.  But, try to read social queues, even via text.  If someone isn’t answering your texts, don’t send a bunch asking what they’re doing or if they’re busy, especially if your ‘relationship’ is new and not really a relationship at all.  Chances are your love interest is either away from their phone and will get back, busy and will get back, or just does not want to talk at that particular moment.  Any of those options come to the same result, let it be, they will text you when they are ready, and then you can play the waiting game to get back at them.

Another thing that has always confused me is the whole ‘dating’, ‘talking’, ‘seeing each other’, ‘boyfriend and girlfriend’ titles.  My thing with titles is, if you have not discussed it, then you are not exclusive, end of story.  Do not ever assume that you are exclusively with someone just because you talk to him or her all of the time and you are intimate.  If you do not want your love interest seeing anyone but you romantically, then you need to sit them down and talk to them about it.  There is nothing to be afraid of, because one of two things will happen, either they will say 1) ‘yes, lets be exclusive.  I don’t want to see you with anyone else’ or they will say 2) ‘I am not ready yet and this really isn’t what I want. It’s over.’  While you may be afraid it will go in the latter direction and you are not quite ready to let go just yet, this conversation still needs to be had.  It gives a lot of clarity and really stops you from wasting any time and looking silly when you are giving your all to someone who is running around with several someones.

If the conversation goes in your favor and you do end up in a committed relationship, do not suddenly be clingy.  Scratch that, even if you aren’t in a committed relationship that advice is especially pertinent, I repeat: Do Not Be Clingy.  Know your place on the hierarchy.  If your interest is out with his/her friends partying and not really doing anything other than just dancing or sitting at a bar, don’t show up alone, unannounced and looking crazy.  Play it cool.  Sure, if you want to introduce your girls to his guy friends and all hang out together, that’s cool, being a team player and an excellent wingman is always appreciated, but make sure it is planned.  There is nothing worse than when you’re just trying to have a low-key night with friends and then the person you [thought] you really liked [notice how it’s past tense] comes in acting crazy territorial.  Nobody likes a stage 5 clinger.  This goes back to reading social queues; sometimes it is cute to show up unexpected, but if you’re showing up like hell on wheels being all touchy feely and not leaving that person’s side, well then you have overstayed your welcome.

Every situation is different; sometimes what could come off as creepy to strangers is something your interest would love for you to do.  It all depends on your relationship, so make sure to read the signs and play it cool.  Good luck out there daters, heads up and temperatures down. 

[1] Colloquialism for Internet.  All the kids are saying it these days.
[2] Thirst: To only have intentions of promiscuity
[3] Thank you Tahitz for such amazingly life changing advice ;)


  1. Holy shit that is a blog post, two thumbs up.

    The only thing I can think of adding is try and push your comfort zone. First impressions are important and unfortunately that might be all you can do, leave a mark, stand out for fuck's sake. Just not in a creepy way :)

    1. Thank you!! I like to think I stand out. But apparently being bubbly, charismatic and smiley leads to intimidating the right people and drawing in the creepos. Le sigh. Life in Love is a silly dance.
