Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What College Means to Me; And Why I Will Forever Be A Jasper

Anyone that meets me for longer than 5 seconds knows I am a New Yorker, through and through.  I was recently at a wedding where the Bride’s father described me as ‘New York’ to every passerby.  I wasn’t mad at the fact, it is true.  I have New York engrained in my core, and I could not be prouder to call it my home.  However, despite the NYC skyline making my smile on a daily basis, my real home(s) are the boroughs.  Not going into too much detail, I have pretty much lived in or pledged my allegiance to 4 of the boroughs (sorry, Staten Island, no thanks.)  But the Bronx homes my school, and for that I will forever be grateful.

College is a defining moment in everyone’s life.  It is where they spend 4 years, exiting adolescence, and start to become transcended into the adult they are meant to be.  As my peers could attest, some lucky men and women meet their soulmate in college.  This was something my mother always hoped for me, I think.  Unfortunately for me, my school was so small that by the beginning of Sophomore year I had already befriended who I wanted and gave up on everyone else for a long term paramour.  Still, years later, I do not regret that decision.  While my mother may have expected me to meet my soulmate in the form of a husband, she wasn’t entirely wrong about me meeting my soulmate. 

I believe that a soulmate is your soul’s counterpart; someone who understands the darkest, dreariest corners of your soul, loves you for your flaws, and complements your being.  For me, I found that in college on my first day; my down the hall neighbor, or ‘wingmate’ as our annex of the floor so had it be.  I met her on the very first move-in day in 2006, and despite her being 2 years older than me, we were inseparable.  Life may have taken us in many different directions; different states, different study aboard opportunities, different careers, even presently living in different countries, but throughout everything, I never doubted her dedication to my life…and I hope she never doubted mine.  You see, although I met Nicole (that’s her name. hey best friend!) nearly 10 years ago, I know that she will always be a permanent fixture in my life.  Not only because she has entirely too much dirt on me, and it would be too exhausting at this point to ‘break in’ a new bestie (halfjoking!) but because even when life gets in the way and we go a bit without talking, I could never picture her not being there for some random point in my life. 

It has been the better part of 10 years since we met, and this past weekend was her wedding day.  A wedding in which I was a part of the bridal party.  I was extremely humbled to be ask to be her bridesmaid.  I was humbled to play such an important role in her special day.  But mainly, I was taken aback by what an absolutely stunning bride she made.  This girl that I met at 20 years old was now this gorgeous, striking woman who was going to marry the man of her dreams (an amazing fairytale story all on its own.)  I have never had a prouder moment as a friend in my life.

So whenever I get my college’s newsletter and see all my fellow graduates marrying our other peers (some of whom married their exboyfriend’s roommate…awkward!) I laugh.  Because while I may not have found the love of my life in form of a husband, I found something better, a sister.   For many reasons, whenever people talk to me and ask me about my educational background, I always have a special place in my heart for Manhattan College.  While it gave me a great education and a firm foundation to grow on, it introduced me to some of the most amazing people.  People I know I cannot shake from my soul no matter how many years have passed.  This is why I get so passionate about my Alma Mater, and this is why I am profoundly grateful for MC.  

Forever and always, 1 will mean home.

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