Friday, July 13, 2012

Glory Days- The Things I used to do in College. (aka- the Murtaugh List)

            Whenever my life gets a little stagnant, I like to reminisce about my ‘crazy/party days’; those 4 amazing years I spent away living at college.  Like the Boss said, “Glory Days, well they’ll pass you by” and boy am I surprised how fast those 4 years went! I have now been a college graduate for 2 years and I somehow feel like an old lady with all my ‘glory days’ long behind me. 

            In college, I used to be fearless! I would stay out late drinking with the best of them, watching movies til the wee hours of the morning, or just hanging around talking.  I would drink fully caffeinated coffee at 10pm, I would end a full day of classes by taking the train into the city for some karaoke on a weekend even if I had work the next morning in a different borough, I would pull all nighters studying and writing papers;  not a care in the world other than working and having fun.  That was my time when my biggest worry was if I would fall off the bar I was dancing on.

            Life was simpler then, boys didn’t need to have names, my love interest of the minute was constantly changing, my most fancy outfit consisted of flip-flops and an off the shoulder tee-shirt. Meals were always easily accessible, schoolwork always got done and I always managed to go to everything I wanted, have fun and still maintain a 3.5 GPA. 

            However, like everything else, all good things must come to an end.  So in my old age I compiled a list of things I am ‘too old’ to do; things that may have flown in college but are not acceptable now, and just things that I need to let go of. 

1- No jager bombs. No jager of any kind.
2- Lets limit shots to special occasions and 1 a night[1]
3- Stop dancing on bars. It doesn’t look attractive and you might need to invest in some dancing lessons
4- Stop dancing on bars in shoes that can break your ankle
5- Stop giving your brothers number out to people. It’s only funny for so long[2].
6-Stop using Fake Names[3] whilst introducing yourself to bar randos.  Stop meeting bar randos all together.
7-Abreevs are only cool in the 90s and for tweeny boppers.  Don’t be lazy.
8-Stop chewing gum and texting while people are talking.  Rude much?
9-You can have a vice, put down the facebook mobile and keep your cynicism to Blogging..maybe even twitter.
10-Drinking Rum and OJ alone in your room on a Tuesday night is just sad.
11-Don’t ever challenge your dad to a drinking contest. The great Jameson battle of 08 should have taught you your lesson by now.
12-If you have to chase someone for that long, they aren’t worth it.
13-Never stop fighting for what you can’t live without and what you really believe in. 
14-Know the difference between wants and needs
15- This never gets old…"Cheers to those that wish me well and all the rest could go to hell”
16-This is more of a question.  Will you EVER be too old to keep living in quotes and finding inspiration from everything?

And lastly,
17-You are only as old as you feel.  While you probably should stop doing all of these things, [you aren’t in college any more, lady!], there is always an exception to break Live it up. Life is too short. 

Maybe we should revisit this list when I turn 25.

[1] Good luck following that one.  Especially with my friend and local rockstar Eric and his whiskey obsession.
[2] It’s totally still funny. He’s a good sport.
[3] Although the literary references were pretty funny.  And sad not many people got them.  Hello, Nancy
Drew!! Does that SOUND like a real name to you?


  1. I have to defend the early post college years. During those years everything wasn't as spontaneous as college. The experiences I had felt more important, had a little more weight.

    That was the time I went from London to living 5 blocks from the beach in San Diego. I still did Jager Bombs and whatever the male equivalent of dancing on bar. There was certainly less of it.

    So next time you have a Tuesday night, obsessing over Liam Neeson and drinking oj and rum. Start planning your next non-random adventure before your 36 years old and start hanging out at the wrong bars every two weeks :)

  2. I have to say, this blog really simplified it to stuff I wouldn't do NOW. I've lived in a house on the beach all year round for years, I traveled all over Europe being crazy and spontaneous. But those are things I would do again, because i'm not necessarily too old for it at this particular moment. I am 100% certain though, that I will ALWAYS be too old to touch Jager (I learned the hard way I am allergic to it hahaha), and no one wants to see my horrendous dance moves on a bar. I need a totally random adventure. And stop lying, you LOVE hanging out at the RIGHT bar every two weeks....see you Friday :)

  3. See that comment just make you sound old and boring and both of us know deep down you aren't. I am hoping you also know that you can't hope for random adventures to happen, you have to do something to make them happen. Which is probably in some way how you travelled Europe and living in beach houses happened. I am also hoping my dear, you are not as stuck in a rut as bad as you sound. If so change it, get out of it you, have way to much going for you to let that happen. Finally, maybe you will see me on Friday or maybe I will be out of my own rut and you I will send you a postcard from my adventure :)

    P.S. You are not going to bait me into tell you your dance moves are fine, save that for another dad.

  4. I am almost old and boring. I go home at like 2am now. that's another thing to add to the list! staying out til 7am hasn't happened in a LONG time lol. This blog was supposed to be more satirical and less 'in a rut' sounding...I save that kind of complaining for twitter haha. You WILL be at the bar on Friday (I'm on vacation next week!!) and the dads WILL be astonished by my dance moves. i know. i know. but if you do something fun other than your biweekly bar crawl..send me a postcard, don't forget the little people! :)
